1. Mihaela Minulescu, 2012, Complexele in viata psihica. Normalitate si patologie, [Complexes in the psychological life. Normality and pathology] Ed. Psihomedia, Sibiu (see details)
  2. Mihaela Minulescu, 2000, Introducere in analiza jungiana [Introduction to Jungian analysis] , Ed. Trei Bucuresti (see details)
  3. Andreea Răduță, articles published on the topics of family life and parenting can be found at the address:
  4. Simona Tofan, articles from the educational programme „Between us parents” can be found at the address
  5. Manuela Sofia Nicolae, the article regarding the couple relationship, Masca Iubirii [Mask of love] is readable at the address
  6. Alexandru Antonescu, an initial article from a series dedicated to regaining the condition of internal equilibrium, in the magazine Pescuitul Pentru Toti no. 12 (summer 2014), „Why to take the kids fishing” The article can also be found on the magazine website.

I could never forget my first fishing tool: a bamboo fishing rod made of two pieces that my grandfather bought from the sports store years ago. My first catch with that particular fishing rod was a bleak caught in the company of my father in a gorgeous afternoon on one of the accumulation lakes built on Ialomita River. I think (or better said hope) that my daughter will never forget either that by the age of six she had captured her first fish, on Isacova, in the Danube Delta, a pickerel of 20 cm!- that was for her, and for us parents, a moment of genuine emotion, because we were there together, because we were fishing and that made us feel happy …”