The purpose and objectives of the Association

  • To promote the analytic psychology and psychotherapy in Romania.

  • To establish and promote the norms of accreditation in the analytical psychotherapy practice, in training specialists and in supervising as well as promoting the professional deontological norms, according to the existing standards in the European and International Community;

  • To train specialists in the analytical psychotherapy, by performing an educational activity of postgraduate specialization in collaboration with analyst trainers from foreign accredited institutes and with lecturers from Romania in areas of interest. The license to practice is awarded in conformity with the norms of accreditation.

  • To set up the Institute of Analytical Psychology Carl Gustav Jung, through which the programs of training and accreditation will be mainly structured and ongoing as well as the fundamental, applicative and interdisciplinary research activity, in the area of analytical psychology with the aim of continuously developingthe concepts and specific methods.

  • To use the analytical psychology in the praxis of the current psychotherapy and psychological counseling through services of psychological assistance, counseling and analytical psychotherapy, addressing future analytical psychotherapists, in the context of the personal counseling program as well as other categories of solicitants.

  • To perform educational activities, training activities, activities of psychological evaluation, counseling and psychotherapy addressed to children, adolescents, handicapped people, drug addictive persons as well as other categories of solicitants. To train methodologically and formative the specialists involved in raising, educating and developing the personality of children and adolescents in the spirit of the principles of analytical psychology.

  • To develop editorial programs that comprise the translation and publication of specialty studies and monographs, to publish studies and original papers, articles, research addressed to students, graduates, specialists, other categories of people interested in the field.

  • To start up a specialty magazine and a self-publishing house;

  • To ensure a meeting frame for debate and research with professionals in the area of analytical psychotherapy and related fields.

  • To organize conferences, symposia, scientific meetings and to set up a system of grants and awards of A.R.P.A.. To collaborate with similar organizations from the country and abroad.

  • To protect the rights of the members and collaborators of A.R.P.A. according to the Code of deontological and accreditation norms and to the Statute of organization and functioning of the Association.

  • Any other activity that contributes to accomplishing the target objectives and which does not breach the rule of order.