A.R.P.A. membership
The A.R.P.A. statute comprises the analysts, psychotherapists and counsellors with the right of independent practice of Jungian analysis. The students of the Institute of training are aspiring members, who once they complete their basic training, through clinical experience and consistency in personal analysis can be awarded the right to practice psychotherapy or analytical counselling in supervision and become full members of A.R.P.A.
The way of obtaining and of losing the quality of associate.
The person who has been certified with the right to practice can become a full A.R.P.A. member on the basis of a written request validated by the General Meeting of the Associates.
The right to become an A.R.P.A. non-professional associate can also be obtained by prodigious personalities from the world of science, professors, psychologists, sociologists and other speciality personnel, who support the mission and values of the Jungian psychology, on the basis of a written request and an extended C.V., request that must be approved by the General Meeting of Associates and in compliance with the Rules of Organization and Functioning of A.R.P.A.
Each member is obligated to pay his monthly/ annual fee established by the General Assembly of Associates after obtaining the quality of A.R.P.A. associate.
Natural and legal persons, who have made donations, under any form for the Association, can become honorary members of A.R.P.A. The honorary members of A.R.P.A. are not obligated to pay fees.
The quality of A.R.P.A. membership can be lost by noncompliance with the Code of deontological rules and rules of accreditation, of the Rules of Organization and Functioning, by voluntary withdrawal, as well as by non-payment of the fee for three consecutive months or by bringing material or moral damages to the Association. The exclusion from the Association is decided by the General Meeting of Associates with a majority of votes.
The conditions for certification as an A.R.P.A. member, as a psychotherapist or counsellor in supervision, as an autonomous psychotherapist or counsellor, as well as supervisor and trainer constitute the criteria for evaluation by the Commission of training and accreditation from A.R.P.A.
Conditions and procedures for awarding the professional certification by the professional Commission
1. Right to independent practice
The request to obtain the professional certification for awarding the right to independent professional practice, addressed to the Professional Commission. The request will be filled in, only after having a previous discussion with the personal analyst and with the supervisor.
The document of compliance from the analyst (which has to mention the number of hours of personal analysis performed continuously, without significant interruptions, except the normal vacations, and with a frequency of once a week at minimum). For an interruption of over half a year it is demanded that the whole process starts again. For psychotherapy and counselling a minimum of 300 hours is requested.
The document from the supervisor, which has to mention the professional evolution, the number of hours of supervision performed, the recommendations of professional development). A minimum of 200 hours of supervision is requested.
Certifications regarding types of continuous training that took place within A.R.P.A. that meet the 50 credits criterion required by C.O.P.S.I.
The personal portfolio should include at least two case studies presented in detail.
Payment of the evaluation fee in the amount of 100 euros. The payment will be made by payment order or by bank transfer: account in RO95 BACX 0000 0023 4712 4000, at Unicredit Bank.
Interview with the Professional Commission to present the cases (without the presence of the analyst). The candidate can present to the Commission any document to sustain their request.
2. Awarding the right to professional practice under supervision
The right to obtain the professional certification by awarding the right to professional practice under supervision, addressed to the Professional Commission. The request will be completed only after a previous discussion with the personal analyst.
The document of compliance from the analyst (which has to mention the number of hours of personal analysis performed face to face). The minimum number of personal analysis hours comprises the total number of formative hours. The total of at least 150 hours for certification as a psychotherapist, respectively at least 75 hours for the certification as counsellor must be done under the conditions of a continuous process, without significant interruptions (except the vacation period) and with a frequency of at least once a week. For an interruption of over half a year, the whole process shall be started over again. The fulfilment of the minimum number of hours does not guarantee the condition of psychical equilibrium which will be evaluated by the members of the Professional Commission. The personal analysis will continue all over the period of activity under supervision.
The certification of graduation of basic training, as well as other forms of continuous training that took place within A.R.P.A. that meets the 50 credits required by the C.O.P.S.I.
Payment of the evaluation fee in the amount of 50 euros (The payment will be made by payment order or by banking transfer, account in RON: RO95 BACX 0000 0023 4712 4000, at Unicredit Bank..
The interview with the Professional Commission (without the presence of the analyst).
The candidate can present to the Commission any document to sustain their request.
3. Awarding the right to practice as supervisor in analytical psychotherapy/ counselling
The request
The document from the supervisor (which has to mention the professional evolution, the number of hours of supervision performed, the recommendations of professional development).
The written presentation of a specific theme of supervision with the presentation of examples from the personal supervision practice.
Payment of the evaluation fee in the amount of 100 euros. The payment can be made by payment order or bank transfer: account in RON: RO95 BACX 0000 0023 4712 4000, at Unicredit Bank.
Interview with the professional commission.
The request for professional practice
a. Analytical counselling in supervision
b. Analytical counselling independent practice
c. Analytical counselling supervisor
d. Analytical psychotherapist in supervision
e. Analytical psychotherapist independent practice
f. Analytical psychotherapist supervisor
Surname& name:
Date and place of birth:
E-mail: ……………………………… Phone :……………………..
Academic studies:…………………………………………………………………
Postgraduate studies: ……………………………………………………………………………..
Graduation of the programme of basic training in analytical psychotherapy and counselling in the year:
Personal analysis:
Total number of hours: …………………………………………………………………………………….
Individual analysis (therapist, number of hours, year): ……………………………………….
B. Other methods of psychotherapy and counselling graduated:
Analysis and personal development (method, therapist, number of hours, year): ………..
Group therapy or therapy within a group (method, therapist, number of hours, year): ……………………………
Formation within the basic training programme (IV semesters): YES/ NO and placements and training workshops (name, trainer, number of hours, place, year and organiser):
(1) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
(2) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
(3) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
(4) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
(5) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
(6) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
(7) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
(8) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
(9) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Total number of hours: ………………………………………………………………………………….
Individual supervision (supervisor, hours, year) :………………………………………………
Group supervision (supervisor, hours, year) ……………………………………………………
Place / frame (name of the institution / private cabinet etc.)……………………………….
Period and person with whom you worked:
Title of the thesis: ……………………………………………………………………
Year of examination:…………………………………………………………………
Mention the internships/ workshops/ that you participated in, mentioning the theme, number of hours, method, the trainer/ organiser, year.
We thank you for your kindness to fill in this document.
Registration as a professional member in the association implies the certification of the right to practice by the Professional Commission
The paper file will be filed and presented in the General Assembly and will contain: the request form for registration, a letter of intent ( in which it will be shortly presented the training and the present quality as well as the reasons for the request and the reasons for which the candidate considers their request valid. Moreover, two written recommendations from the members of A.R.P.A. are necessary to sustain the application of the respective person. The receipt to ascertain the payment of annual fee/ the equivalent of 30 euros as well as the fee for registration/ equivalent of 10 euros. The receipt will mention the composition of the amount deposited, respectively “2015 fee+ fee for registration”.
The person will be present and the request will be voted by the present members and/ or mandated persons of A.R.P.A.
Registration request
Name and surname
Date and place of birth: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Identity card, number …..…series……………issued by………………………………………..…
Personal identification number: …………………………………………………………………………………………………
Phone: fix:…………………………………………………mobile:……………………………………………………………………………..
I wish to register in A.R.P.A. as a professional member and to participate in the professional and training life. I take upon myself to pay the corresponding fee.
I undertake to respect the A.R.P.A Statute, the Ethical Code and the deontological and professional standards of the Romanian Association of Analytical Psychology.
Date: ……………………………………………… Signature……………………………………………………………