Analytical psychology was set up gradually in Romania starting with the first university courses on “Introduction in Jungian psychology”, at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Science at the University of Bucharest, in the 1993 year, undergraduate level. Over time, a course of “Symbol Analysis” was added at the master level of Clinical Psychology and psychotherapy. Over the years, the students of these courses have met again at the Romanian foundation dedicated to Jung, the Romanian Association of Analytical Psychology, whose articles of incorporation is dated December 2000. The foundation was the masterpiece of three psychologists passionate about knowledge and complexity: Mihaela Minulescu, Petru Lisievici and Carmen Popescu. The training in analytical psychotherapy came into being in 2002 through a master program set up at Titu Maiorescu University, then at Spiru Haret University, completed with sessions of personal and formative analysis offered at A.R.P.A. for those who wished to practice analytical psychotherapy.
Once the specific legal frame for psychology and accredited practice was constituted, the training in analytical psychotherapy received the endorsement of the Body of Psychologists in 2005 and was fully transferred under the direct coordination of the training association, A.R.P.A. Students in analytical psychotherapy are trained based on a curriculum that mirrors the methodology of the first two years of the four-year formative program of C.G. Jung Institute in Switzerland, Kusnacht.
Psychotherapists of analytical Jungian orientation have been trained based on individual analysis and graduation of the methodological and clinical program. Currently, the training in analytical psychotherapy continues with a program for the level of Jungian analyst, with the support of I.A.A.P., as well as sand play therapy with the support of I.S.S.T.